About Us
Cherry Tree Ecology Ltd. has a skilled and experienced team of ecological consultants. Cherry Tree Ecology Ltd. is a registered Practice with the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM). We operate via full-time staff and a wide network of associates, together covering all taxonomic groups, habitats and disciplines.
We are insured and our Director and Principal Ecologist Sophie Smith is a full member of CIEEM and bound by their professional code of conduct. We have a 100% track record in obtaining EPS mitigation licenses.
Sophie Smith has been working as an Ecological Consultant for over 18 years, beginning her career at RPS, working at ADAS, Lindsay Carrington Ecological Services and EPR as a Senior and Principal Ecologist. She holds survey licenses for bats, dormice, smooth snake, sand lizards, barn owl, great crested newts and mitigation licenses for these species as well as badgers and water voles.
Sophie's experience spans housing, business and employment, rail and road infrastructure, utilities, and renewables. With over a decade of experience in environmental consultancy, Sophie takes a pragmatic and proportional approach to each project. She will ensure you remain compliant with all ecology legislation and environmental planning policy framework.
We are a highly qualified, dedicated experienced team and take pride in our friendly, communicative service, delivering professional reports at a reasonable cost, whatever the size of your project.
Cherry Tree Ecology Ltd. work with a variety of Clients, including:
Householders for single dwellings / conversions
Other ecological consultancies