If you are looking for a low cost bat survey in Dorset, Hampshire or Wiltshire you have come to the right place. Cherry Tree Ecology Ltd. offer bat surveys at affordable prices for a range of residential and commercial developers.
Cherry Tree Ecology Ltd. bat services:
Preliminary Roost Appraisal (PRA) - Building and built structure inspections and assessments
Tree inspections and assessments
Emergence surveys
Bat activity surveys
Recording and analysis of bat calls
Bat mitigation design
Bat surveys are subject to seasonal constraints and it is recommended that bat work is considered at an early stage to avoid delays in the development. Use our calendar to help you plan your works schedule.
Where a bat survey is recommended, a preliminary roost assessment can be undertaken at any time of the year. The assessment is an internal and external inspection of the building which is subject to planning.
The building will have been classed as having ‘potential for bats’ if bats or bat evidence is found or if there are features such as gaps in roofing tiles that are suitable for crevice dwelling bats. If the building has potential for bats, further surveys will be required in the form of emergence and re-entry surveys. Droppings may be collected from the rood void and sent off for DNA analysis to identify the species of bat. This analysis will be charged at cost.
If no evidence of bats or no potential for bats is found, then no further surveys are required and we will provide you with a short report and in Dorset a negative certificate to submit alongside your planning application.
The aim of the dusk emergence surveys is to observe and record bats emerging or re-entering from features identified during the preliminary roost assessment. Emergence surveys can be carried out from May to September, with at least two of the up to three surveys conducted between May-August.
A bat survey is required to provide information on the species of bat, type of bat roost and the features used by the roosting bats. We collate the information from the bat surveys to then provide pragmatic mitigation proportionate to the roost type and the species present.
Bats are fully protected by UK legislation. Therefore, where a bat roost is to be affected by a development then a Natural England licence will be required.
A licence to undertake works that may disturb or destroy a roost cannot be applied for until a full bat survey has been completed. Full planning permission must be granted prior to the bat licence application.
Bat activity transects are generally required where development proposals are likely to impact upon habitats that may be used by commuting, foraging or socialising bats. This type of survey involves ecologists walking a set route at a steady, constant speed around the site used hand-held bat detecting equipment. Additionally, static or automated bat detectors are set out in set locations to record bat activity throughout the night for five nights per visit. In combination, these surveys provide an overall picture of the bat activity on site that will help inform a bat mitigation strategy.

CONTACT US for advice about bat surveys