Other Services
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)
In England, Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is mandatory under Schedule 7A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as inserted by Schedule 14 of the Environment Act 2021). All planning permissions granted in England will have to deliver at least 10% Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) to be maintained for a period of at least 30 years. The concept seeks measurable improvements for biodiversity by creating or enhancing habitats in association with development.
Mandatory BNG came into force on 12th February 2024 for all developments except exemptions and small sites. Small sites BNG came into force 2nd April 2024 (small site - residential 1-9 units on a site less than one hectare, or number of dwellings is unknown and the site is less than 0.5 hectare; or for non-residential for floor space less than 1000m2 or site less than one hectare). Exceptions include developments of less than 25m2 habitat or 5m for linear habitats (hedgerows and watercourses), householder applications and small-scale self-build.
We can provide a Biodiversity Net Gain Report with Biodiversity Metrics looking at the percentage Biodiversity net loss/gain available for the project.
Please note to get a positive outcome for the application we will need to work with you to minimize loss of any important habitats, this may mean altering the designs and also looking at habitats in the clients wider ownership that could be improved as compensation for losses within the site and/or off-site compensation via a third party.
During the walkover of the site we would map habitats using UK Habitat Classification. The existing baseline across the site will then be compared to the hard and soft landscaping plans, as well as any management or habitat creation suggestions we will put forward to be agreed with you. The Defra Statutory Biodiversity Metric/ Small Sites Metric will be calculated. The results of these calculations would be used to liaise with you and to discuss ways forward regards compensation if the site does not meet the required 10% net gain.
Ecological Clerk of Works
Cherry Tree Ecology’s Staff are experienced at acting as Ecological Clerk of Works for vegetation clearance, mitigation works like licensed fence installation, hibernacula and artificial badger sett creation.
Ecological Mitigation and Management Plan
Ecological Mitigation and Management Plans (EMMP) detail the creation and management of new habitats and species mitigation. These can be required as a planning condition and aim to maintain the habitats long-term post construction. EMMP usually cover the first five years post construction with monitoring to ensure that the mitigation is successful.
Invasive Species
Cherry Tree Ecology Ltd. can provide specialist services relating invasive plant species such as Japanese Knotweed, Giant Hogweed, Himalayan Balsam, Crassula and Parrot’s Feather. We have experience undertaking surveys and providing management plans and clerk of works for Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) Schedule 9 plants.