Protected Species Survey
All species of bat are protected under UK legislation. This protection means that bat surveys must be undertaken and appropriate mitigation measures agreed before any development can be permitted that would result in disturbance or injury to bats or damage to their roosts.
We can undertake :
Initial internal and external inspection of trees and buildings that will be impacted by the development. The structure is also assessed for its potential to support roosting bats on a sliding scale of low to high potential.
Emergence surveys- Where the initial survey finds evidence of bats, or the structure has potential to support bats then dusk emergence surveys will be required. These surveys must be undertaken between May and August and when the weather conditions are suitable.

Dormice are also Protected Species, dormice surveys must be undertaken and appropriate mitigation measures agreed before any development can be permitted that would result in disturbance or injury to dormice or damage to their habitat. Our team are licensed and can undertake:
Nut searches
Nest tube, footprint tunnel and nest box surveys (April to October)
We are highly experienced with the design and implementation of Dormice mitigation and monitoring and have a proven track record of successful licence applications in both England and Wales.
All reptiles are protected from killing and injury under UK law, whilst Smooth Snake and Sand Lizard are Protected Species. Surveys can be undertaken between March and October with the peak season being April, May, June and September. Sophie our Principal Ecologist holds a survey licence for the rare reptiles Smooth Snake and Sand Lizard, and has a proven track record in rare reptile mitigation and licensing.

Otters are Protected Species and surveys can be undertaken at any time of year. Sophie is an experienced Otter surveyor who has regularly volunteered on otter monitoring surveys for the Dorset Mammal Group.

We offer initial field surveys to identify presence of badgers, both walkovers and using camera traps, detailed badger surveys in the form of bait marking and territory mapping and design and implementation of badger mitigation, including sett closure under licence.

Great Crested Newts
Great Crested Newts (GCN) are Protected Species. Surveys must be undertaken and mitigation agreed for developments affecting GCN or their habitat. GCN are found in terrestrial habitat up to 500m from their breeding ponds. Surveys for this species are focused on aquatic surveys in the spring. Our team has licensed surveyors who can undertake the following surveys:
eDNA water sampling (15th April to 30th June)
Aquatic surveys both presence/absence and population size class (four to six surveys March to early June)
Fence and pitfall trapping and refuge search
We have extensive experience with the design and implementation of GCN mitigation strategies and have an excellent success rate with mitigation licence applications. We can also advise clients on the new District Licenses which rely on developer contributions rather than standard survey and mitigation techniques.

Water voles
Water Voles and their habitat are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981(as amended). We can undertake water vole surveys (two visits mid April-June and July-September) and have a proven track record in the design and implementation of water vole mitigation and licensing.

Barn owl
For developments affecting farm buildings and trees we can undertake surveys for Barn Owls and can easily combined with a initial bat survey without additional charge. While on site, we look for evidence such as nests, roosting sites, pellets, droppings, prey remains and feathers. We are licensed to disturb Barn Owls for development.

Survey Calendar
Take a look at our Ecological Survey Calendar to see more information on planning your protected species surveys