Cherry Tree Ecology Ltd. offers comprehensive ecological services at competitive rates. We are based in Dorset and can offer services throughout the UK, working extensively across Dorset, Hampshire, and Wiltshire.
All surveys are carried out by fully insured, experienced ecologists holding the relevant Natural England licenses.
We are able to offer:
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (Biodiversity Assessment).
Protected species surveys such as great crested newts, dormice, reptiles, bats, badgers, water voles and otters.
Mitigation and Licensing.
Ecological Impact Assessment
Information for Habitats Regulations Assessments
Ecological Mitigation and Management Plans.
On-site works including ecological clerk of works, species translocation, watching briefs and tool box talks.
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) metrics and assessment.
Please contact us on info@cherrytree-ecology.co.uk or 01202 247983 to discuss your project.

Preliminary Ecological Appraisal
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) is a rapid assessment of the ecological features present, within a site and its surrounding area in relation to a proposed development. A PEA normally comprises a desk study and a walkover survey. The aims of the PEA are to identify potential ecological constraints, further surveys that may be required, mitigation measures likely to be needed and opportunities for ecological enhancement of the site in line with current policy.
Biodiversity Appraisals
We are very experienced working with the current Dorset Biodiversity Appraisal Protocol and can assist with Biodiversity Appraisals/Surveys and Biodiversity Plans to be submitted to the Dorset Council Natural Environment Team to get your certificate for planning.